Saturday, January 26, 2008

Supplies and Activities for Sunday, Jan. 27, 2008

Black Acrylic gallon Paint
Small Acrylic color paint
14- 75" White Sheets of paper

#8 Body Image (Editing needed)

Outline your body 3 times on a giant sheet of paper
1)Paint yourself the way you look.
2)Draw in the different areas of the body what someone has said positively or negatively. i.e., your necks to fat, your eyes are too far apart.
3) We will paint this one black, nothing more, nothing less, this is who you are.

After you finish your drawing, write a few phrases or words describing your image. Think about how you used colors, lines, and shapes through out the body outline.

#9 Printmaking: Portrait

4 Linoleum Blocks
4 Carving Knives
4 Portrait photographs
The medium I love to work with as an artist is Printmaking. I would like you to be able to share or at least get a taste of something that I love to do.
You will be given a linoleum block and tool to carve a self-portrait of yourself (it can be based off of a photograph). From this block, you can make as many copies as you would like.

Notify Uyoung to remind kids to bring pictures.


Digital Camera
4 Holga Camera w/ color and maybe BW film

Assignment 4.1
“The Streets”
This is going to be a field trip assignment where you and I go out on location. Brainstorm a location or place where you always wanted to go; a place that either has inspired or intrigued you. We will go there, walk around and become inspired.
Go to a street corner, park, or other populated public location. Once you are there, commit yourself to staying. Stare. Look at the passing human traffic. Use your camera to create juxtapositions (contrasting effects such as black and white) between people you see. Pay attention to the foreground and the background and edges of the frame. Shoot quickly and don’t be afraid. Take RISKS! Shoot as much as you want; click away.

Assignment 4.2
Surveillance: In Plain Sight
The point is to eavesdrop on people without their knowledge. One problem to be solved here is how to make an engaging picture when there is no apparent contact between you and your human subjects. What happens when subjects don’t acknowledge your presence? How do your viewers connect with you if you don’t connect with your subjects?
• Minimum 15 shots and/or incorporated with, “The Streets”. *

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